Friday, October 26, 2007

Perched precariously

Got a message from my guy Nick, went like this:


got your last couple of emails. sounds as though things are....i don't know, consistent? i still have a pretty hazy idea of how things go for you out there. specific questions on my part are probably key to understanding just what the fuck goes on in your lives at this point.

how can you even begin to paint a picture, anyway?

so, here are a few, if you have the time:

-what did you eat for breakfast?

-what do you wear on your feet?

-name 3 people, besides krissy, whom you spoke with throughout your day today?

-what time did you go to bed?

-wear did you go poop today?"

So here's my day in the life:

First there are actually two different styles of life here. Out in the village and here in Vila. They are totally different so if I just told you based on what I did today it would not accurately reflect my life here. So Each question will have a Vila answer and a village answer.

-what did you eat for breakfast?
Today like many days I did not eat breakfast, when I'm in Vila I gorge myself on unhealthy food. at around 11am (woke up at 7) I ate a Heaven Bar (Cookies & Cream Ice Cream Bar) Afta, I went to AU BON MARCHE (the local supermarket) and paid 300 vatu for a small (not small) dish of Spaghetti bolognese. In addition I ate a Tootsie roll and a Tootsie pop that Jeff Rice sent, I also ate some Big League Chew, and a handful of M & M's

village: On a normal day I usually wake up between 8-9am. well after the sun has risen. I get up from our mattress on the floor and emerge from my mosquito net covered in sweat (even though its the cold season). A slight breeze cools me down on my walk to the smolhaos (outhouse). Then I come back and spread some Peanut butter and Jelly on three Breakfast Crackers A uniquely South Pacific creation. White hearty cracker with a slghtly sweet taste. Usually there are a couple bananas involved since we almost always have a bundle of one of the many varieties in our house.

-what do you wear on your feet?
Great Question
I brought three pairs of footwear with me to Vanuatu.
Their fates:
1. My good Teva all purpose-sandals. These are sturdy velcro that I used for hiking, running, swimming, and everything else. Their drawbacks- they gave me blisters on various parts of my feet. In Vanuatu blisters are dangerous because every open sore gets infected, I've been pretty hearty and have only had 1 infected sore (on my hand). Most volunteers get many more. Maybe one per week? [Here's one from my favorite Alabaman]
The TEVA's got so worn out in 6 months that their straps came out of the bottom leather part. I recently found superglue and have repaired them, I probably will not be able to run or swim in them any more however.
2. Flip Flops: My pair of relatively cheap sandals with no straps just the normal slip ons were my favorite footwear because they did not give me blisters. One of them ripped at the fibrous toe part and is awaiting creative repair on my part.
3. Merrill Running/Hiking shoes: I bought these on our honeymoon last year in Utah.
In a long tradition of leaving things places I left them on a bus and made a Ni-Vanuatu bus driver very happy.

I now have four replacement pairs
Their current condition:
1. I bought a pair of flip flops for 150 Vatu ($1.50) These are the same kind as most of the locals wear. So I bought them to see how long a pair of $1.50 sandals would last me. The answer is one week. They too are awaiting creative repair.

2. Replacement Sandals pair number 2. I spent a little bit more and these have been adequate footwear for the past three weeks or so. Except when they get wet, then they are slippery and my feet slide off them and onto the muddy rocks, gravel, coral, or whatever I happen to be standing in at the time. Obviously these are unsuitable for swimming.

3. NEW SANDALS! Krissy's parents sent a pair in their most recent package, I am trying them out for the first time today. They seem to work out fine, but they are a little tight, so we'll see about blisters.

4. NEW SHOES! One of the guys in our group went home for his sisters wedding so I ordered a pair of Merrill water shoes and had them sent to his house. He brought them back a few weeks ago and I have been running in them and using them for swimming (You have to wear footwear when you swim or your feet will get cut on coral.) They are good but give me blisters on my Achilles Heels. And I have to wear socks as a result which sucks in this country.

-name 3 people, besides krissy, whom you spoke with throughout your day today?
In Vila most of the people I talk to here are other volunteers but here's three I spoke with today

Annie Api: Our counterpart and Village Health Worker and Neighbor in Ekipe was sitting outside the Mama's Market downtown with her daughter JoAnna. We talked about when Krissy and I would be coming back in to the village.

Michael Jones: An old guy who's in the Peace Corps with his wife. I did a Blues radio show with him last night and will be trying to get my own show when we move to Vila next year.

Margot: A Volunteer from group 18B who just left for home. Stuff with her site didn't work out and she terminated her service a few months early. She was one of the few volunteers left in John Roberts group. After his death and Margot leaving, they have 7 volunteers left from that group. They will be completing their service at the end of November.


On any random day most of the people I talk to in the village will be kids. Here's three peeps that I usually talk to.

Manu: Our friend Manuel is one of the yungfala (young single guys) in our village. I usually see him at least once a day cause he lives near the phone (there's only one) and he likes to play frisbee with us.

Joy and JoAnna: Two neighbor girls

who like to come over and play games with us.

Small John: A hyper kid who always comes over to play games and look at us. (That would be a piece of metal stabbed through some leaves and stuck into his visor. FLASS!)

-what time did you go to bed?
In Vila:
I went to bed last night at about 2am after a night of dancing at CLUB VOODOO. Where they set the bar on fire any time you order the special FLAMING VOODOO DOLL shot. I fell asleep trying to watch Eragon and woke up today at 11:45 am the latest I have ever slept in Vanuatu.

In the Village:
I usually go to bed around 10:00 and depending on my brain usually go to sleep before the first roosters crow. Sometimes I stay up for the second roosters crow. And once or twice I've been awake all the way through to the Third Roosters crow which precedes sunrise by about 10 min.

-where did you go poop today?
Today I pooped in the Peace Corps office. There is a real toilet here, with a plastic seat and it flushes, so I was very happy to do so.

In the Village: I don't poop. I've trained my body to take a crap once a week. But when I have to I use our Smalhaos. Which is a bunch of sticks with leaves as walls, a tarp as a door. The toilet is a large cement slab that forms up ino a bowl shape. On the sides of the ground you can see where dirt has fallen into the pit and the toilet looks precarious as if the whole thing could fall in at any moment. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Projects

Blog Oct. 17

Sorry. I read Brandon’s comment and realized that I haven’t actually told you all what I’m doing, or what it’s like here. I guess that’s the point of this thing.

So here’s one problem. I’ve adjusted.
Things that before surprised, amazed, astonished me; They’re normalized, I’m used to them. So my point is, if you think of questions that you want to ask please ask away. I’ll answer them as best I can.

Longside work:
Krissy and I have been at site for 2 months. It seems like a lot longer. Peace Corps Volunteers are supposed to enculture themselves into their communities for the first 3 months. We’re not really supposed to start working on projects until after three months, but yeah, that’s not gonna happen. First of all we’ll only be in Ekipe for 1 year as opposed to most other volunteers who’ll be at their sites for 2 years. And on top of it Krissy is an ass-kickin, driven, goal oriented worker. I’ve never seen anyone like it, so trying to convince her to hold off and wait is a futile effort.
After about 2 weeks we started a Community Census and Needs Assessment. These are tools to help us learn the village and also to help the village learn about themselves. The Village Health Worker, Krissy, and I went around to all the families in the village. Krissy designed a cartoon visual aid to represent all the possible projects that we could help with in our time in Ekipe. 95% of the Village was united in selecting water projects as the primary need for the village. So we have our work cut out for us. The census told us that there are around 350 people in the village. Over 40% of whom are under the age of 12.
Last weekend Krissy and I ran our first collaborative project. It was pretty cool to work on something so closely and directly. We always discussed theoretically how good of a team we make, Krissy working in Health and I in Education and Youth. But this is the first time we have ever fully teamed up with equal responsibility. I helped a little bit with her Captain Condom program in LaX,
and she has given me lots of guidance and support for various projects I was heading up, but teaming up directly was exciting and encouraging. The project is called PACA- Participatory Analysis for Community Action and it’s a Peace Corps standard. Kind of a preliminary workshop to get your community prepped and open to work together towards Sustainable Development.
So we got together on our third try, two previous attempts were met with cancellations due to our Chief not being in town, and not enough people showing up. One of the bubu’s (grandpa’s) in the village helped us get people to the workshop in a creative way. He pulled out a scimitar, yes a scimitar, a pointy Arabic sword, not a bush knife/ machete (which would’ve been normal) and walked around to the houses shouting
“YU! YU KAM LO WAN WOKSOP HIA, YU NO STAP WITIM PIKININI, YU NO STAP MEKEM KAEKAE, YU KAM NAO” (Which translated means: Hey you get your ass over here to this workshop, quit playing with kids and making food, come here now)
So shortly thereafter we began our games and icebreakers which everyone loved. The laughing and clapping and cheering quickly caused our workshop population to triple. Over all we probably had about 60 people attend at least some of the workshop.
We presented our findings from the census and the needs assessment and led 4 projects: Community Mapping, Seasonal Calendar, Village Timeline, and Resource Appraisal. The villagers were enthusiastic and supportive, and the workshop was a great success.

From the workshop, all of us in Ekipe came to a clear understanding about what our needs are. Everyone wants us to help secure safe, regular access to piped drinking water.
In addition I have been asked by the chief to storian with some of the olfalas in our village and create a Village History book that each church can get a copy of.
These are two of the projects that are focused solely on our village. There are a number of others with a different scope and focus. Next week the village Health Worker Training for our province is being held in Ekipe, and I am teaching the new group of trainees in 20B how to run a Camp BILD and Camp GLOW (Boys in Leadership Development and Girls Leading Our World).

So, are you sorry you asked? There’s a lot more, but I’ll update other projects as I can.
This blog is going to be updated infrequently but thoroughly each time.
Hope this clears up a little bit what kind of stuff we’re working on.
Javi and Krissy